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Currently reading and currently loving. It is an entertaining, fun and super interesting read, all about the inner workings of our 'body's most underrated organ'. Seriously. Our gut needs more credit, and this is the book to give it.  

My favourite gem of info is how connected our gut health is to our mental health, considering it is connected by a giant nerve that runs from our gut along our spine to our brain. Makes sense don't you think?

GUT, Guilia Enders

Holy cow. I couldn't be anymore in love with Russel Brand after reading this book. I was in the 'Oh he's such a moronic idiot' category for so long, but this man is absolutely 100% something special.

He goes into some pretty deep topics, and intense issues, but his wit and his humour suck you in like quicksand and you'll find yourself LOL-ing in awkward public places.

Be prepared for your mind to be opened and perspective changed. That's all I'm sayin'.


REVOLUTION, Russel Brand


LIGHT IS THE NEW BLACK, Rebecca Campbell



I called on one of my close friends when I was in a bit of funk, and this is the book that she told me to get my hands on.


Not only are there written gems, an enthralling story as Melissa takes you through her own journey of mastering her mean girl, but there are activities for you to complete as you go through. THAT is what I love about this book.

Melissa Ambrossini

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